Marcus Stroman Became The 4th Mets Pitcher To Go Down With An Injury In 48 Hours And I'm Trying Reeeeeeal Hard Not To Lose My Fucking Mind





I am trying my hardest not to be one of those Chicken Little Mets fan that cries the sky is falling every time an opponent gets a base hit, but this is getting ridiculous. Just as the Mets start to get healthy and their June gauntlet with 100 games against contenders or division opponents is about to wrap up, half the pitching staff gets hurt which has now spread to one of our Big 3 in the Stro Show who has not only been filthy this year but as Trevor May told us, has been a big time emotional leader for the team. 

And in case all that wasn't enough, their first line of reinforcements get hit with this.

Lets see how Mets fans are dealing with their team getting picked apart one by one:

At some point, you really have to wonder if the curse hanging over the Mets from the Wilpon Era has just formed a new variant now that Uncle Stevie has arrived. We can't even blame Ray Ramirez for all this. If anything, we need to ease his pain and bring him back to Citi Field for Ray Ramirez day.

As for the next days starters, how far away are we from Jeremy Hefner grabbing a glove and taking the bump? I mean if coaches have to wear uniforms, you should be allowed to play them. And even though this was all a joke, suddenly it's not so funny.

Thankfully we have a shortstop who not only leads the league in defensive runs saved but also hypes up his guys when they need it most.

Fuck it, this team is still winning 96 games, even if they start 96 different pitchers this season. We gotta believe in the team, the front office, Uncle Stevie, and someone named Tylor Megill.

I've never had an easier time talking myself into a player. The Megill Man shirts pretty much sell themselves! #LFGM #PleaseStopButtfuckingUsBaseballGods #ImSorryRayRamirez (Lets get that last one trending. Maybe the other two if you are feeling frisky).

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